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Seven Corners: Providing Safety and Security for Anyone Away From Home

Seven Corners: Providing Safety and Security for Anyone Away From Home

If you’re currently planning a vacation, you’re not alone. According to Discover’s recent survey, 58 percent of U.S. adults intend to take a trip this summer—though their ideal destination varies somewhat by age. In fact, while beach vacations were preferred by Gen Z, Millennial and Gen X travelers, road trips topped the list for Baby Boomers and cruises were the travel mode of choice among the Silent Generation.

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CPI Card Group: Providing Ideal Payment Technology Solutions Within Your Means

CPI Card Group: Providing Ideal Payment Technology Solutions Within Your Means

Ever wonder where our bevy of payment cards come from? Be it a credit, debit or prepaid issuance—inside and out—there’s a lot of tailor-made work that goes into each and every card in our wallets. CPI Card Group is a chief payment technologies company that specializes in these solutions for card issuers in the financial, trade, healthcare and transit sectors. They are industry leaders whose products and services signify quality and are distributed with the utmost speed, accuracy and excellence.

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Social Good Pays Off in Many Ways for Canadian Financial Advisor

Two men are speaking about highly important business project

There are many choices when it comes to who is going to manage your investment portfolio. For some, the deciding factor may be price or expertise. But for many Canadians, choosing Mackenzie Investments is more than just a wise decision—it’s a choice that brings many benefits to the community as well.

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RiseSmart: A Tailored Approach to Outplacement

RiseSmart: A Tailored Approach to Outplacement

No one likes to let good, hardworking employees go. However, doing so is sometimes necessary when running a successful company, whether the layoffs are the result of a relocation, consolidation, merger, acquisition, restructuring or strategic change in business direction.

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Test Your Limits With Testlio

Test your apps with Testlio

Think about this. Your company spends thousands of dollars developing a new app or software product and it fails. Users become annoyed and frustrated and leave your service for a rival. Not only did your company waste money and manpower, but it’s also losing some big-time revenue streams. Thankfully, companies can avoid releasing products that don’t deliver the goods if they are properly tested first.

While many companies choose to test in-house, outsourcing testing has become an increasingly common and cost-effective option. Kristel Kruustük, CEO and founder of testing company Testlio, spoke to RewardExpert about why Testlio stands out from the crowd when it comes to getting Quality Assurance (QA) right. “Testlio is a testing company founded by testers to change the way QA is done,” she said.

Read more Helps Consumers Tackle Their Biggest Financial Regrets

When you think about your financial history, is there anything in your past—or your present—that makes you cringe? If so, you’re not alone. When the experts at surveyed 1,300 consumers earlier this year, financial regret emerged as a common theme. In fact, a full 44 percent of respondents regretted running up or maxing out their credit card balances and hurting their credit score.

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Borro Can Help Raise Capital on Your Luxury Assets for Contingent Financial Planning

The age-old parlance “money talks, wealth whispers” applies more than ever before in today’s fragile economic state. Surely, people who are privileged enough to have true wealth don’t need to flaunt it, but they do need to protect it.

Luxury assets like fine art, classic cars, jewelry and antiques are always good investments in the long run, as sometimes, in life, necessities arise and misfortune can happen to the best of us. Borro is an online, secured lender dedicated to providing expedited loans held against personal valuables to meet the borrower’s requirements.

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Indochino: Revolutionizing Men’s Fashion

Luxury men's wear from Indochino company

The fashion industry has been growing steadily for many years now, but you may have noticed that high-quality, custom-tailored shopping experiences for men are hard to find. Not any more.

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Find Your Dream Job With Shiftgig

Finding a work-life balance is something of an existential hack these days. Freedom for choosing a conducive schedule, adequate weekly pay and landing in a quid pro quo work environment is almost tantamount to being a sweepstakes winner. Though discovering workplaces to call home is typically challenging for hourly jobbers in the modern economy, the visionaries at Shiftgig can help you get the shift that is right for your life.

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Visa Infinite Credit Card – Complete Guide to Perks and Benefits

If you have a credit card like the Chase Sapphire Reserve or the Ritz Carlton card, both issued by Chase, you might have noticed that they are both “Visa Infinite” cards. You might also be wondering what that really means.

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Matic Makes Obtaining Homeowner’s Insurance Effortless for Homebuyers

Buying a home is a serious investment. Not only is it the biggest purchase most people will ever make, but it’s often their largest source of debt. Hazard insurance, which pays for property loss and damages in the event of disaster, is required by lenders to protect their loan’s collateral: your home.

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Westminster Savings Credit Union: A Unique Alternative to Traditional Banking

Tired of feeling like just another number at your local bank? Well, if you live in British Columbia, there may be a better banking option for you. Westminster Savings Credit Union (WSCU) is changing the way people bank while giving back to the community that they serve.

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Go To Travel Gal Helps People Maximize Their Miles

While many of us may have had the dream to travel the world and make a living writing about our journey, one woman has made that dream a reality. RewardExpert recently had the pleasure of speaking with Lyn Mettler about her incredible blog,, dedicated to helping people travel as close to free as possible.

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How the GTCI Could Influence Your Next Move

For those willing to relocate for the right employment opportunity, it is important to have a source that compares the overall work environments of different geographical locations. The Global Talent Competitiveness Index, or GTCI, is an annual publication that ranks and lists many different variables that contribute to countries’ and cities’ talent competitiveness, and it is published each year by a suite of companies: INSEAD, TATA Communications and the Adecco Group.

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How Kabbage Funds Small Businesses

Starting a business requires many different moving pieces and the right financials to keep it running. While some startups are self-funded, others may be in need of investors or business loans. According to the National Small Business Association (NSBA), 33% of small business owners received no financing, while 64% received a bank loan. Today, more small business owners report they are able to obtain adequate financing than six months prior.

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How Rakuten Helps Startups Generate Revenue

Over the past few decades, the development of the internet has resulted in a dramatic increase in remote shopping. Online marketplaces have made it possible for companies anywhere in the world to sell their products or services to a much larger audience, removing geographical limitations. It’s now possible for both large corporations and no-name brands to increase their sales and expand their market.

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Trade Ideas: Bringing Real-Time Stock Strategies to the Next Level

Online stock trading has finally come alive through the pioneering of artificial intelligence and is now anybody’s game. This kind of financial technology has come a long way since the birth of direct-access trading in the ‘90s, which was the first time traders could interact with market makers and specialists to bypass actual stockbrokers. In fact, investors today have endless amounts of streaming information about an otherwise mutable market to sift through—so they seek a measured strategy and keen direction for the best odds to maximize their dollar.

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Charge Up Your Financial Life With Upstart

Having access to capital is a necessary ingredient for upward mobility in life. But it’s also a challenging problem that hits young people especially hard. So how can the younger generation, saddled with college debt, sky-high housing prices and a potentially subpar credit history, get a financial leg up?

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Sageworks Provides the Tools and Know-How to Make Financial Decisions Easier

Most business owners know their industry very well, however, only a handful are truly financially savvy. So, while the heartbeat of a successful enterprise is ideating innovation, the fiscal blood must be kept pumping by a fundamental comprehension of money matters.

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Leavitt Partners’ Torch Insight Sees the Value in Healthcare Data

The gathering of intelligence has traditionally been used for military or political ends, but imagine it being applied to the modern day American healthcare system. Think of a process whereby using intelligible data and analytics can create more worth out of general treatment and plans. An approach like this could provide clear-cut solutions and make determining value and efficacy in medical care more tangible in a continually fluctuating industry.

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