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Find Financial Opportunity With Opportunity Fund

Many small business owners struggle to find the money to grow their business, boost pay for their employees and become an even bigger asset to their community. Many even struggle to pay their bills each month, living in an endless paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. There’s a California-based organization called Opportunity Fund who’s mission is to invest in those without adequate financial resources in order to better their lives.

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International Rivers Protects the World’s Richest Resources


Step into many major cities of the world, and chances are there will be a river at its heart. Think about the Hudson in New York, the Thames in London, the Danube in Vienna, the Nile in Cairo, the Han in Seoul and so on. But rivers are not just important to big cities. Healthy, vibrant rivers are also critical to rural communities, and many of these smaller rivers particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America, are endangered.

That’s where International Rivers comes in. The Berkeley, California-based organization works to preserve and protect the world’s rivers from overdevelopment, misuse and destructive projects. It is also dedicated to giving local citizens the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

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Bellco: A Credit Union Alternative to Traditional Banks

Bellco Credit Union

After more than 80 years in business and over 300,000 members, Bellco is more than just your run-of-the-mill credit union.  It is a place to save for the future and an organization dedicated to serving its local communities and building relationships with its members.  Jim Johnston, senior marketing manager of Bellco, spoke with RewardExpert about what sets Bellco apart from the competition and how the credit union looks to help customers manage their personal finances in the best way possible.

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BiggerPockets Can Provide You the Keys to Financial Freedom


Think real estate investing is too complicated? Don’t have enough cash to get started? Confused about mortgages, interest rates and how to properly renovate a home? Fear not, thanks to a company called BiggerPockets. The aim of BiggerPockets is to put you and your family on the road to financial freedom through real estate investing. The company’s website offers a treasure trove of tips, tricks and advice to help you do just that. After all, “Life isn’t meant to be lived in a cubicle,” as BiggerPockets says on its homepage.

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Care2: A Worldwide Community for Good


From improving animal welfare to protecting women’s rights, prohibiting book banning in public schools to supporting life-saving medical research, there are many causes one can support in an effort to make the world a better place—if you know where to begin. Care2 has made finding that beginning easy, bringing millions of concerned citizens together to create an online community taking positive action for change one signature at a time

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Getaround Helps Travelers and City Dwellers Do Exactly That


There are more than 250 million vehicles in the United States and most are sitting idle 22 hours a day. Through their peer-to-peer automobile sharing community, the folks at Getaround aim to solve this car overpopulation problem, reducing not just the number of vehicles on the planet but bothersome traffic and dangerous pollution as well.

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Find the Perfect Image at Dreamstime

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Have you ever traveled to an amazing place and taken the perfect picture and later thought to yourself, that shot should be on the homepage of a website or brochure? Or are you a travel company, hotel owner or tour operator looking to enhance your website and entice new customers with stunning images? That’s where Dreamstime comes in.

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