There’s no doubt that when it comes to protecting your money against economic and market downturns, cash is king. However, making sure you’re earning the most interest possible while protecting your cash accounts, can be more challenging, especially in a low interest rate environment. That’s where MaxMyInterest (Max) comes in.
CEO Gary Zimmerman recently spoke to RewardExpert about ways to safeguard your cash. “Regardless of your reason for holding cash, if you are going to hold cash it should be earning as much as possible. This is where Max can help,” he said.
More for Your Money
Max allows users to maximize their banking account interest earning potential by redirecting money into accounts that pay higher interest. Max members earn an average of 1.71% on their money, significantly higher than the national average rate on savings accounts, which is just .09% according to Bankrate.com.
“Max has selected online banks that offer high rates and excellent customer service. Max then monitors rates daily, and automatically reallocates cash as rates change so that our members continue to earn the highest rates automatically,” explained Zimmerman.

In addition, Max offers unpublished rates and preferential terms available exclusively to members. The company also features a tool on its homepage, showing investors how much more interest they can earn by using Max’s services.
Keeping Your Cash Safe
When you are sitting on a lot of cash, not only do you want to be earning the maximum interest, you also want your money to be completely insured from a bank failure. Right now the FDIC limit for account insurance is $250,000 per depositor, and if you have more than that, Max has a solution to provide customers with peace of mind.
“Max enables you to keep your money spread out across several online banks to keep under the FDIC limits. This ensures you’re protected, enabling you to obtain up to $5 million of FDIC insurance coverage per couple,” noted Zimmerman.
Keeping money safe and secure was the reason Max was founded. During the financial crisis of 2008, Gary Zimmerman quickly opened several online bank accounts to ensure his cash would be spread around multiple locations, and all FDIC insured. Zimmerman soon realized that online banks were providing higher interest rates than traditional banks. That goal of maximizing interest while keeping accounts safe, ultimately led to the idea and subsequent founding of MaxMyInterest.

Managing Your Wealth Efficiently
In addition to helping individual savers, Max offers services for wealth management. “We have a co-branded service that lets financial advisors offer Max to their clients, allowing clients to earn more on FDIC-insured cash. We also offer single sign-on capability, so clients can use Max within the advisor’s existing portal. This benefits both the client and the advisor,” said Zimmerman.
Max is not an investment service, but the company does keep a close eye on market conditions. With the Federal Reserve expected to continue to hike rates on a gradual basis in 2018, there are more opportunities to earn more interest on cash. “Max members don’t have to worry about moving their money as rates move; our software handles this automatically,” stated Zimmerman.
Zimmerman adds that he was quite surprised when he realized that most households did not have online bank accounts. “With Max, it is now possible to open, link, and begin funding a new online savings account in less than three minutes. This is revolutionary, and we plan to bring this streamlined account opening approach to the entire industry.”
In fact, Zimmerman says many people are engaging with their accounts more often. “Max is designed to make it easy to manage your cash and earn higher yields without switching banks, and we’re happy to see so many people earning millions of dollars more as a result.”
For more information on how you can grow your wealth and get more for your money, visit maxmyinterest.com.